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2022 Is Your Year for Video Marketing

Video is everywhere. The average internet user watches more than 100 minutes of video content every day. This includes video on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other platforms. What’s more, research has shown that a whopping 84 percent of consumers have decided to purchase a product after watching a video about it online.

If video’s not part of your marketing plan, you’re missing out. Fortunately, you don’t need to be a professional videographer to dip your toe into video marketing (though working with a pro is helpful for videos you want to feature permanently on your website). Here are a few reasons why 2022 is your year for video marketing.

Video Marketing Is Important for SEO

A recent study found that videos are 53 times more likely to generate first-page-of-Google rankings than any other SEO tactics. Video is a powerful tool for helping you get found and stay found on Google.

Videos that are most successful at boosting SEO performance are highly relevant to consumers, published consistently and frequently, and optimized on the back end. In the real world, this means you produce educational and interesting video content on a predictable schedule. When you publish videos, you make sure you add keywords to the video title and description, use eye-catching thumbnails, and respond to the comments on your videos.

Video Is an Easy Way to Connect with Customers

American consumers watch a LOT of video. Why not meet them where they’re at and engage them with some video content of your own? As millions of viral videos prove, you don’t need to invest in expensive equipment for your video to connect with your audience. Be authentic, be original, and offer interesting content, even when you’re filming on your iPhone.

Consumers Trust Video Content

User-generated content on social media is the most trusted branded content, with 70 percent of consumers finding it more appealing than other content, such as your website, blogs, email, or your own social posts. If you want to incorporate user-generated content, start with your most satisfied customers. Ask them if they’ll do a video testimonial for you and your company. You could also ask your employees and vendors to do the same.

No Audio? No Problem.

An interesting trend in video marketing is that most people listen to videos silently. A study found that 85 percent of Facebook users watch videos without the sound on. Why? People using social media don’t want to disturb the people around them, especially if they are on public transportation, a crowded waiting room, or a Zoom meeting (seriously). When you create your next video, consider adding captions and text overlays to engage your viewers without the need for a talking head or video script.

If you’re making 2022 your year for video marketing, get in touch with Balius Marketing. We have a professional video marketing team to help you with your important videos and the content marketing know-how to help you put together a video marketing strategy for social media that you can film on your phone. Contact our team today

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